Our integrated value chain ensures a world-class product. We have chosen to build up our entire organization locally along the Norwegian coast. That means full control from roe to finished fillet – and offers healthy, fresh cod every single day of the year.
We go the extra mile to ensure that our fish enjoy the best possible life: lower density, better feed, and a high level of expertise give us excellent biological results – and a great product. This is a fish that feels good and also tastes good.
Ode provides a stable supply of consistently high-quality fresh cod. Highly nutritious and with a firm texture, our clear white farmed cod is not only super fresh, but also offers a delicate silky taste. A fish celebrated by chefs worldwide.

Ode to Excellence
The cod is worshiped and trusted in all corners of the world. A healthy globetrotter that has fed many mouths and shaped many food cultures. We give praise to this delicacy. Nurtured in controlled environments based on sustainable principles. Naturally cared for in crystal-clear Norwegian waters, this is excellence in its purest form.

Ode to Community
For half a century, all along the Atlantic coast, generations of Norwegian fish farmers have worked the cold, dark waters of the fjords in all kinds of weather. Their tireless toil helping to establish Norway as one of the world’s leading nations in modern aquaculture.
Today, through the application of advanced technology and new knowledge, an exciting new chapter in Norwegian aquaculture history is opening. With our all-Norwegian value chain, Ode is setting the standard as a producer of premium farmed cod.
Coastal collaboration
We pride ourselves with an inclusive culture with broad diversity across gender, age, nationality and background. Today we have more than 100 highly skilled employees working in Ode.